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Start Date : 29 Jun,2025
End Date   : 3 Jul,2025
Duration    : 5 Days



This training course will give some details on these various types of contaminants and the new frontiers in eliminating or minimizing these contaminants, the use of effective non-hazardous products in your company and also environmentally acceptable methods of disposal for both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. 



Course Objectives: 

At the end of this course, participant will be able to: 

  • Understand the processes taking place in their industry and the consequences on generation of hazardous wastes.  

  • Understand the international protocols driving the more effective management of hazardous materials 

  • Review their waste disposal practice in the context of growing environmental awareness 

  • Introduce new developments in waste management practice 

  • Gaining knowledge about pollution prevention methods and technologies on the field of industrial-hazardous waste management. 

  • Understanding on this field the concepts of “Circular Economy” and “Cradle-to Grave”. 

  • Students will become able to apply in real life the knowledge gained during the course. 

  • Be able to evaluate policy options on the field of hazardous waste management. 

  • Becoming prepared for discussion about advantages and disadvantages of different hazardous waste management options, methods and technologies. 

  • From case studies and field trip gaining knowledge about clean up and remediation of contaminated sites 

  • Obtain performance improvement through the implementation of an environmental management system 



Course Content: 

1- Introduction to Hazardous Waste 

  • Global environmental issues 

  • International legislation 

  • Concept of ‘Duty of Care’ 

  • Definition of Hazardous Waste and its impacts 

  • The Hazardous Waste Management Industry 


2- Management of Industrial Hazardous Waste 

  • Introduction to ISO 14001, a specification for an Environmental Management System 

  • Responsibilities in managing hazardous waste 

  • Hazardous Waste Regulations 

  • Transportation and Disposal 

  • Hazardous Waste facilities 


3- Pollution Prevention 

  • Exploration and Production, Refining & Distribution – origins of pollution 

  • Construction and operational issues 

  • Pollution Prevention materials and services 


4- Pollution Management  

  • Major accident hazards 

  • Development of emergency plans 


5- Hazardous Waste Management & Pollution Prevention 

  • Case studies to develop the application of a systems approach to managing hazardous waste and promoting pollution prevention. 



Targeted Audience: 

  • Health & Safety and Environmental Professionals 

  • Staff responsible for managing Hazardous Wastes & Contamination Issues 

  • Laboratory Technicians 

  • Emergency Personnel 

Hazardous Waste Management and Pollution Prevention

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